Nina Chanel Abney Lougher

Nina Chanel Abney

Welcome to Lougher Contemporary's collection of Nina Chanel Abney artworks. Step into a world of vibrant colours, bold patterns, and thought-provoking narratives as you explore Abney's unique artistic style. This collection showcases Abney's ability to blend elements of pop art, street art, and social commentary, resulting in visually striking works that challenge conventions and spark dialogue. Each artwork reflects Abney's powerful storytelling, addressing themes such as race, politics, and cultural identity with a distinct and dynamic visual language. Discover and acquire extraordinary pieces that will engage and inspire viewers with their vibrant presence and social commentary.

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Harland MillerHarland Miller: Who Cares Wins

Harland Miller: Who Cares Wins

In the realm of contemporary art, few names evoke the same blend of irony, nostalgia, and wry humour as Harland Miller. Known for his distinctive Penguin prints and his 'Who Cares Wins' series, Mil...

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Carmen Herrera: A Pioneer of Geometric Abstraction

Carmen Herrera, a trailblazing figure in the world of contemporary art, defies conventions with her bold and minimalist approach to geometric abstraction. Born in Havana, Cuba, in 1915, Herrera's a...

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